About Our COGIC
Learn more about the Church of God in Christ Doctrine, style of worship, and our mission and vision for the Minneapolis-St. Paul community.
Pastor Ezra and First Lady Patricia Fagge'Tt of Unity Temple COGIC Thank you for showing interest in learning more about Unity Temple Church of God in Christ. In this section of the website, you’ll find information about our mission, vision, and the men and women who form the leadership of this community.
Our Leadership
Since 1987, the congregation of Unity Temple Christ of God In Christ has been blessed to truly have a Shepherd after God’s own heart, Pastor Ezra J. FaggéTt, Sr., and has found a virtuous woman in First Lady Patricia A. FaggéTt. Under their leadership, Unity Temple has grown both numerically and spiritually. Together they are diligent workers for the Lord and believe that God has chosen them to be His servants. Read more.
Our History
The Unity Temple Church of God In Christ is affiliated with the National Church of God In Christ, Incorporated — headquartered in Memphis, TN, of which there are over 7 million members. Unity Temple Church of God In Christ was organized and founded in 1987 in South Minneapolis.
Our Mission
To present the Gospel to every soul, that all might have eternal life through Jesus Christ: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Vision
To inspire each member to influence one another in true Holiness and to greatly impact each community, wherein, each church member resides with the WORD OF GOD, to know who JESUS really is and to become a citizen of HIS Kingdom. AGAPE’